What I have forgotton...

[ FMSO.DE - Fahren mit Salatöl (deutsch) ]

Geschrieben von Peter vdl am 05. April 2016 19:22:07:

Als Antwort auf: The engine is similar to the OM601 or its predecessors geschrieben von Peter vdl am 05. April 2016 18:19:12:

Hi Jay,

... is the answer to your initial question. :)

Just have a look at the post below yours, "A8 Wärmetauscher…woher?". That's a good heat exchanger, if you have space below the fuel filter and can twist it off the VW Diesel engines have a water cooled oil cooler, it can heat up fuel as well, they're relatively easy to find and cheap. You can think about placing some water pipes in the tank as well to heat it up, even a pipe in pipe solution is probable and proven to work. But be careful, diesel becomes igniteable in heated environments, the temperatures of the cooling water are enough to go over this point. To make things worse, it will ignite over a relative low temperature without any further ignition source. Thank god the ignition points of Fat are more high, so if Fat is in the tank it is relative safe to heat it up, but if you come to the embrassement to put Diesel or other easily flamable fuel in the tank it's not a waste to be able to turn the entire heating mechanism off...

Best regards

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[ FMSO.DE - Fahren mit Salatöl (deutsch) ]